Having your own sailboat is now easier than ever before ...
... just inflate it!
The name of this ultralight craft, EasySail®, perfectly describes the qualities offered with this exceptional boat. The inflatable floaters and double-patented collapsible construction now make it easy to disassemble a big boat into a small package. This holds many advantages for you and absolutely removes the problems normally found with solid-floater boats (like storage, difficult transport, manipulation, etc.).
Thanks to a special construction and materials, the inflatable EasySail® is simply a full-value catamaran which, in some parameters, even exceeds models with solid floaters.
Sailing with the new EasySail® catamaran is as easy as it is safe. The entire craft is built to take much more exertion than normal usage would give it. And if EasySail's historic voyage across the Atlantic Ocean isn't enough to prove this fact, then nothing will.
If you are the type who ...
· likes new and romantic adventures
· loves the sea or lakes and doesn't want to just lie on the beach
· wants to enjoy a great and romantic weekend or vacation with your family, friends, or partner
· has a small car (or can even borrow one sometimes)
· has enough space to fit about 3 pairs of skis with boots, which is about the size of a folded EasySail®
· considers it pointless to buy an expensive classic sailboat, because it's not worth the investment for those few weeks during the season - especially when you consider the problems that go along with it
... then it´s Easy for you to understand EasySail®!